Ranchi: Notorious Naxalites, Zonal Commander Suresh Singh Munda and Area Commander Lodro Lohra alias Subhash, surrendered before Jharkhand Police and CRPF officials on Tuesday. Munda was also an active member of the kill squad operating under CPI (Maoist)'s Central Committee member Misir Besra alias Sagar Ji.
The Jharkhand government had announced a Rs 10 lakh reward on Munda, whereas on Lohra, a Rs 2 lakh award was announced. Congratulating the duo for their decision to return to the mainstream, Pankaj Kamboj, the Zonal Inspector General of the Ranchi region, urged similar surrenders to become the norm, warning otherwise of use of force by the police.
Also read: Maoist commander, carrying Rs 25 lakh bounty, surrenders in Ranchi
"Whoever among the Naxalites want to surrender, must do it or else the police should be ready for the encounter", Kamboj said. CRPF IG Rajiv Kumar and IG Operations AV Homkar said the active insurgents should also consider surrendering under the Naxalite Surrender Policy.
They further noted that state administration had decided to turn the state into a Naxalite-free region, adding that district police forces, CRPF, Cobra, Jharkhand Jaguar and other security forces were instructed to work in rural areas to inculcate a sense of security among the population as well as oversee the smooth completion of development projects.