Haridwar: A Special Investigation Team (SIT) has obtained a non-bailable warrant from the court against the accused of the Mahakumbh COVID-19 testing scam in Haridwar. A police team has left for Delhi and Haryana for the arrest of the accused on Sunday. "Search underway to locate accused Mallika Pant and Sharat Pant of Max Corporate Service, Delhi and Dr Navtej Nalwa of Hisar's Nalwa Lab in Maha Kumbh fake COVID testing same case. Police have obtained a non-bailable warrant against the accused in the case," said SA Krishnaraj S, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Haridwar.
Earlier on June 17, the Uttarakhand government has ordered the Haridwar district administration to register an FIR in the COVID testing scam during the Mahakumbh. This action comes days after reports of fake COVID-19 testing during Mahakumbh surfaced. It was reported that at least 1 lakh COVID-19 reports of tests conducted during Kumbh Mela have been found to be fake. The Maha Kumbh Mela was held from April 1 to 30 this year and was spread over Haridwar district and Rishikesh region, which includes Rishikesh in Dehradun district, Muni ki Reti in Tehri and Swargashram in Pauri.