New Delhi/Noida: Police Commissionerate Gautam Budh Nagar on Tuesday sent a letter to Edifice Engineering, the company that demolished the twin towers, to pay Rs 64,12,802 for the services rendered by the police during the demolition. After the order of the Supreme Court, the twin towers located in the Noida Sector-93A were demolished on August 28. The engineering company, however, said that it is not aware of the bill yet.
A letter has been sent by the Deputy Commissioner of Police Headquarters to pay the money. The letter was issued in the name of Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Headquarters (HQ) Ram Badan Singh. According to the letter, the company Edifice Engineering had requested the police on August 12 to assist in patrolling and escort during the demolition of the twin towers.
Also read: Noida's Supertech Twin Towers: History from inception to destruction
Several teams of police cordoned off the site at the time of the blast and provided security. The police team even escorted a van carrying explosives, about 100 km from Palwal in Haryana. For these services, the police billed Rs 64 lakhs to the engineering company. The letter was sent by DCP Headquarters to Utkarsh Mehta, partner of Edifice Engineering Company.
DCP (Headquarters) Ram Badan Singh said, "Our officers are in touch with the Edifice team in this matter. There is no time limit to clear the dues, but we hope it will be cleared at the earliest." At the same time, policemen will be stationed at the demolition site for a few more weeks. Around 20 policemen will be stationed in a small area outside the Emerald Court.