New Delhi: The Delhi Fire Service on Friday said it received 152 fire-related calls on Diwali, which was less than 25 per cent from last year and the lowest so far on the festival. No major fire incident or casualty was reported, Director of Delhi Fire Service, Atul Garg, said.
Out of the 152 calls, four fire-related calls were suspected due to crackers while other calls were related to short-circuit, fire in garbage and lighting of earthen lamps, they said. "There has been no major fire-related incident this Diwali and no casualty was reported due to fire. In total, we received 152 calls which is less than 25 per cent from last year and the lowest so far on Diwali," Garg said.
The fire department had responded to 205 fire-related calls on Diwali last year, recalled officials. According to fire officials, around 3,000 firefighters were on duty for the last two days and Delhi Fire Service teams were deployed in over 30 specific locations across the capital to tackle any incident.
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Fire tenders were deployed at 22 locations across the national capital, including Bara Tooti Chowk, Tilak Nagar, Lajpat Nagar (Central Market), Lal Kuan Chowk, Lahori Gate, Nangloi, South Extension, Sonia Vihar, Mehrauli, Ghitorni metro station, among others.
Motorcycles fitted with fire-fighting equipment were also deployed in the streets and narrow lanes at six other locations, including Ambedkar Nagar, Kapashera, Chandni Chowk, Sabji Mandi, Ghanta Ghar, Paharganj, Shiela Cinema and Shadipur depot, a senior fire official said.
Another set of fire-fighting vehicles were also deployed in the lanes of another six locations, including Connaught Circus, Hari Nagar, Geeta Colony, J Road and Paschim Vihar, he said.