Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Monday lost his cool over Assembly Speaker Vijay Kumar Sinha. A visibly angry Nitish Kumar asked Sinha to run the House as per the Constitution. The Speaker tried to explain his point of view, however, the Bihar CM continued to lash out at the chair. "Would you run the House like this? We will not allow this to happen. Discussion in the House is not done like this," Nitish told the Sinha, who is from BJP. Later, Sinha sought to clarify the matter, saying he will not let the legislature be insulted.
"You people have made me the Speaker of the Assembly. But I cannot even raise the question of my area despite sitting on such a high chair. I am not even able to present the point of an inspector, station in-charge, or a DSP," the Speaker said.
Earlier, speaking in the Assembly, BJP MLA Sanjay Saraogi raised an issue pertaining to Lakhisarai. Saraogi said culprits have been arrested but no further action has been taken against them. It was at this point when Sinha remarked, "Police is just not taking the Lakhisarai matter seriously. As far as the Constitution is concerned, Chief Minister, you know more than us, I learn from you," he said and adds,"There has been a ruckus in the House thrice over the matter. I am the custodian of the MLAs. Whenever I go to the area, people ask questions about inaction. There should be no talk of discouraging wrong practices. Why is the government not taking action on it seriously?" the Speaker said.
The incident is likely to add to the already tense relationship between the NDA partners Bharatiya Janata Party and Nitish's Janata Dal-United in Bihar.