New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday conducted search operations in multiple locations in New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Rajasthan in the Attari (Punjab) drug case.
“Today, NIA conducted multiple searches at the premises of accused as well as suspects at nine locations in New Delhi, Muzaffarnagar, Tehri, and Jaipur in the case pertaining to seizure of heroin that was smuggled into India through Attari on April 24 this year,” sources in the NIA said.
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The heroin consignment was concealed in a consignment of licorice roots (Mulethi), sent by overseas suppliers based in Afghanistan. This case was initially registered by the officials of the customs department at Attari and NIA had registered this case as RC-35/2022/NIA/DLI on July 30 this year.
“Searches conducted today led to recovery of incriminating materials, including documents and digital devices,” sources said. Further investigations in the case are in progress.