New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Saturday filed a supplementary charge sheet against Hizabul Mujahideen terrorist Naveed Mushtaq Shah aka Naveed Babu, a former police official, in connection with its probe into the attack on Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) convoy in Jammu and Kashmir's Banihal in 2019.
The case relates to an attack on the CRPF convoy at Banihal by a terrorist who had exploded an explosive laden Santro car on March 30, 2019 with the intention of killing security personnel and waging war against the government.
The NIA re-registered the case on April 15, 2019.
An NIA spokesperson here said that the anti-terror probe agency filed the charge sheet against Shah in the Special NIA Court in Jammu under several sections of the RPC, Unlawful Acitivities Prevention Act, Explosive Substances Act , Jammu and Kashmir Public Property (Prevention of Damage) Act.
The official said that Shah, an ex-constable of Jammu and Kashmir Police had decamped with arms and ammunition in 2017, when he was posted as a guard in FCI, Budgam.
The official said that after deserting the force Shah had joined the terrorist group Hizbul-Mujahideen and became an active terrorist.
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"Investigation has established that accused Shah was actively involved in the planning and execution of the attack on the CRPF convoy in Banihal along with other terrorists Riyaz Ahmed Naikoo, Rayees Ahmed Khan and Dr. Saifullah Mir who were subsequently killed in encounters with security forces," the official said.
The NIA official further said that deceased terrorists Sahil Abdullah Bhat, Adil Bashir Sheikh and Zubair Ahmed Wani were actively involved in preparation of the explosives that went into the making of the IED. Charges have been abated against the deceased terrorists involved in the conspiracy.
The NIA had earlier filed chargesheet against six Hizbul-Mujahideen terrorists for their role in this attack and court has framed charges against them.