New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency on Wednesday filed the charge sheet against three accused in ISIS Kerala Module case. Mohammed Ameen from Malappuram, Mushab Anwar from Kannur and Rahees Rasheed from Kollam are the accused in this module.
NIA had registered a suo-moto case against seven known and other unknown accused persons under sections 120B, 121 & 121A of IPC & sections 17, 18, 18B, 20, 38 & 40 of UA (P) Act on March 5, 2021 pertaining to the terrorist activities of one Mohammed Ameen and his associates, who have been running various ISIS propaganda channels on different social media platforms including Telegram, Hoop and Instagram for propagating the violent Jihadi ideology of ISIS and radicalizing and recruiting new members for the ISIS module.
The investigation has revealed that after the decline of the ISIS Caliphate in Syria and Iraq. Ameen had visited Kashmir in March, 2020 for Hijrah (Religious migration) and for engaging in terrorist acts. Accused Ameen was also involved in raising and distributing funds in connivance with co-accused Rahees Rasheed and Kashmir based accused Mohammad Waqar Lone alias Wilson Kashmiri and his associates for propagating ideology and violent activities of the proscribed terrorist organization ISIS in India.
During the investigation, it was found that accused Mohammed Ameen, Mushab Anwar and Rahees Rasheed were affiliated with banned terrorist organization ISIS and were also involved in radicalization, recruitment, terror funding and grooming like-minded gullible Muslim youth to join proscribed terrorist organization ISIS through different secured social media platforms.
Further investigation into the case is underway.
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