New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday conducted searches at nine locations in Uttar Pradesh and Punjab in connection with the extortion case by Khalistani terrorists. NIA conducted searches at Beehla in Barnala, Dala in Moga and Ghall Khurd and Satiawala in Ferozepur district of Punjab. The agency also conducted searches in Meerut and Muzaffarnagar districts in Uttar Pradesh.
The Investigation Agency recovered empty bullet cartridges, one polybag containing 122 grams of narcotic substance, digital devices including, compact drives, mobile phones and sim cards and many incriminating documents.
The case was originally registered at Mehna Police Station in Moga district on Punjab on May 22, 2021 under various sections of IPC. The case was based on the information received by Punjab Police that one Arshdeep Singh alias Aras, a resident of Moga, Charanjit Singh alias Rinku, a resident of Barnala and Ramandeep Singh alias Jajj, a resident of Ferozepur, all currently abroad, had formed a gang and have been threatening and extorting money from people.
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NIA had re-registered the case on June 10, 2021 and taken over the investigation.
"During the investigation, three accused persons have been arrested and arms and ammunition have been recovered at the instance of the arrested accused persons. The absconding accused Arshdeep Singh is a close associate of Khalistan Tiger Force (KTF) chief Hardeep Singh alias Nijjar, a declared designated terrorist by the Government of India. On directions of Nijjar, Arshdeep had formed this terrorist gang comprising gangsters and shooters based in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh," reads the NIA statement.
According to NIA, the arrested accused persons have killed three businessmen/entities based in Punjab and they had identified other targets as well.
Further investigation is underway.