Srinagar: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Sunday conducted searches here in connection with the NGO terror funding case, an official said. Though the agency did not divulge the details of the person whose house was searched, officials said the raid was carried out at the Sonwar residence of Kashmiri human rights activist Khurram Parvez who was arrested by the agency on November 23 last year.
A search was conducted at Sonwar Bagh, Srinagar, in a case pertaining to collection and transfer of funds by certain NGOs, trusts, societies and organisations on behalf of separatists and terrorist organisations in order to sustain secessionist and terror activities in Kashmir, the NIA said. The search conducted today at the premises of a suspect person led to recovery of documents related to financial transactions. Further investigation in the case continues, a spokesperson of the agency said.
On February 18, the NIA arrested its former superintendent of police and IPS officer Arvind Digvijay Negi for allegedly leaking secret documents to an overground worker of the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terror group. On February 25, a Delhi court sent Negi, Parvez and four others to judicial custody for a month in the terror funding case. The case was filed under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the stringent Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), including those related to terrorism and terror funding.
The NIA had alleged that the accused had been running a network of over ground workers of the LeT and recruited persons across India. In pursuance to conspiracy, the accused were in contact with their foreign based handlers and upon their directions were engaged in gathering intelligence on vital installations, security forces as well as identification of target locations for launching of terrorist attacks, the agency had said.