Amravati (Maharashtra): The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday detained two accused in the Umesh Kolhe murder case in Amravati. According to sources, the National Investigating Agency would soon be arresting them, followed by their transfer to Mumbai for further investigation. Earlier, Umesh Kolhe was murdered for supporting former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma's 'prophet' remark which stirred up a political storm in the country and attracted criticism globally.
NIA detains two more in Umesh Kolhe murder case
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday detained two accused in the Umesh Kolhe murder case in Amravati.
Amravati (Maharashtra): The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday detained two accused in the Umesh Kolhe murder case in Amravati. According to sources, the National Investigating Agency would soon be arresting them, followed by their transfer to Mumbai for further investigation. Earlier, Umesh Kolhe was murdered for supporting former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma's 'prophet' remark which stirred up a political storm in the country and attracted criticism globally.