The New Parliament Building was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday morning in New Delhi. Dressed in a traditional attire, the Prime Minister was welcomed by Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla. Here are the 10 key features of the New Parliament Building, which is a significant addition to the Central Vista project in the national capital.
- The new Parliament building constructed by Tata Projects Ltd has a grand constitution hall to showcase India's rich democratic heritage.
- It has lounge for Members of Parliament, a library, dining areas and ample parking space.
- The triangular-shaped four-storey new Parliament building has a built-up area of 64,500 square metres.
- The new Parliament building has three main gates -- Gyan Dwar, Shakti Dwar, and Karma Dwar.
- It has separate entrances for VIPs, Members of Parliament, and visitors.
- The new Parliament building has been built using materials acquired from various parts of the country.
- The new Parliament building can comfortably seat 888 members in the Lok Sabha chamber and 300 in the Rajya Sabha chamber.
- The new Parliament building includes a higher number of committee rooms equipped with state-of-the-art audio-visual systems, which will facilitate smooth functioning of Parliamentary committees.
- In case of a joint sitting of both the Houses, a total of 1,280 members can be accommodated in the Lok Sabha chamber.
- In the new Parliament building, the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha showcases different themes. The Lok Sabha incorporates the national bird - Peacock, while the Rajya Sabha features the national flower - Lotus in their respective structures.
Also read: PM Modi installs 'Sengol' in new Parliament building