New Delhi: Newly inducted Education Minister, Dharmendra Pradhan on Monday announced the schedule for NEET (UG) 2021. The Examination will be held on September 12, tweeted the Education Minister on Monday evening. The application process for the examination will begin from 5 PM on Tuesday, and students can log on to the NTA Website to register for the examination and for more information related to it, he added.
"The NEET (UG) 2021 will be held on 12th September 2021 across the country following COVID-19 protocols. The application process will begin from 5 pm tomorrow through the NTA websites," the minister wrote on Twitter. Pradhan also said that the number of examination centres will be increased from 3,862 used last year.
"In order to ensure social distancing norms, the number of cities where the examination will be conducted has been increased from 155 to 198. The number of examination centres will also be increased from the 3862 centres used in 2020," he tweeted. The Education Minister further said that face masks will be provided to all candidates at the exam centres to ensure adherence to Covid-19 norms.
"To ensure adherence to COVID-19 protocols, face mask will be provided to all candidates at the centre. Staggered time slots during entry and exit, contactless registration, proper sanitisation, seating with social distancing etc. will also be ensured," he added.
It is worth mentioning here that National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) examinations are normally held in the month of April-May but were postponed due to the sudden outbreak of the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. The NEET which is conducted for Medical aspirants is held by the National Testing Agency, the apex body to conduct competitive examinations in India.
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