Sambalpur: Dr. Shankar Ramchandani, who has been successfully running his unique 'One Rupee Clinic' at Burla for one year now, has now launched the 'Medicine for One Rupee' service to help the poor and underprivileged patients. Dr. Ramchandani, an Assistant Professor at Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research's (VIMSAR) Department of Medicine, launched the one Rupee service for patients on Saturday.
Having witnessed first-hand the underprivileged people's struggle and inability to afford medicine, the doctor launched the service. Poor patients, who cannot afford to buy costly medicines for treating themselves or their loved ones, now can get the medicine by just spending Rs 1.
Assistant Professor Dr. Ramchandani started his 'One Rupee Clinic' at Burla in Odisha's Sambalpur city on February 12, 2021, to ensure that financial struggles don't come in the way of people's access to healthcare. Talking about the reason behind the clinic, he said opening such a clinic was a long-time dream of his father. He said,
"Last year on this same date, I established One Rupee clinic and fulfilled my father's long-standing desire of treating poor people. Upon completing one year, I have started yet another service in the form of 'Medicine for One Rupee.' With this, all essential medicines will be provided for just Rs 1 to the poor and impoverished people".
The doctor has treated and helped nearly 7,000 patients in the one year since he started the 'One Rupee Clinic'.