New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Sudesh Verma on Saturday said that induction of new and lesser-known faces into the Union cabinet shows that there is transparency within the party fold. It also shows that how Prime Minister Narendra Modi gives chances to all those who give their sweat and blood to the party.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, Verma said that it is not the first time that a few senior ministers were relieved of their ministries. It was done in past too and this was done to give chances to some young workers so that the party doesn't have to face a leadership crisis in the future, he added. "The whole country is happy with the induction of new faces in the ministries sans a few so-called "secular" journalists who are trying to make their own stories. The Prime Minister makes sure that not only big names but also lesser known-hard working leaders get top positions in the party," he added.
It is worth mentioning that as many as 43 leaders took oath as ministers in the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Union Cabinet on Wednesday. This includes 36 new faces and seven Ministers of State who were elevated. The most notable inclusions were Jyotiraditya Scindia, Sarbananda Sonowal and Narayan Rane among others. This was the first cabinet reshuffle since the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) retained power in 2019.
Also Read: From Scindia to Nisith Pramanik, know some prominent faces in new Union Cabinet