Mumbai (Maharashtra): The vigilance probe by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in the drug bust on cruise liner is at its last stage, said officials on Friday. The case involved the arrest of Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan and several others. All accused, who were arrested including Aryan Khan are out on bail.
NCB vigilance team, led by NCB Deputy Director General (North) Gyaneshwar Singh, has called three NCB officials from Mumbai to Delhi for questioning. These include investigating officers Ashish Ranjan Prasad, VV Singh and Mumbai NCB zonal director Sameer Wankhede. Notably, Wankhede's tenure with the anti-narcotics agency ended earlier this year.
Also Read: Lookout notice against 'witness' Kiran Gosavi whose selfie with Aryan Khan went viral
Earlier as well, NCB's vigilance team had questioned Wankhede, Ranjan and Singh. This is the last time that they will be examined, officials have said. NCB ordered a vigilance probe after independent witness Kiran Gosavi's bodyguard Prabhakar Sail levelled allegations of corruption against Gosavi and Sameer Wankhede.