Hyderabad: National SC Commission Chairman Vijay Kumar Sampla said on Saturday that a compensation of Rs. 8.50 lakh will be given to the family of Nagaraju. A Dalit youth, Nagaraju was allegedly murdered by his wife's family member for getting married without their permission earlier this week.
"We will give Rs 8.50 lakh compensation to Nagaraju's family. At present, we will give Rs 4 lakhs and three acres of land to them. We are trying to provide them with a double bedroom house from the Centre. We will give a government job to the Ashrin Sultan(Nagaraju's widow)," said Sampla. He was speaking to reporters during a visit to Nagaraju's family in Marpally of Vikarabad district. He also assured them of expediting the trial in a fast track court.
Nagaraju was allegedly killed by his wife's family members on Wednesday at around 9 pm at the GHMC office road under Saroor Nagar police station in Hyderabad. Nagaraju and Ashrin got married in January. They settled in Saroornagar. Ashrin's family was against their marriage. Two person's have been arrested in the case.