Nashik (Maharashtra): A woman died due to a gas leak in Maharashtra's Nashik on Monday, the second such incident in a fortnight. The deceased, Rashmi Gaidhani (49), was a pilot working for Air India in Mumbai. Gaidhani was found in an unconscious state in her bathroom on February 5. Upon being discovered, she was rushed to the district hospital by her family for treatment.
However, the doctors pronounced her dead. According to Sankarwada Police, Gaidhani died of suffocation due to gas leaking from the geyser inside the bathroom. She was a resident of Mumbai and had recently come to Nashik. She was the daughter of writer Suman Muthe and retired forest officer Maruti Muthe, both residents of Nashik. On January 29, a 22-year-old woman in Nashik died in the same manner in her bathroom.
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