Mumbai: Iconic actor Naseeruddin Shah returns in the upcoming comedy-drama, Ramprasad Ki Tehrvi, which marks the directorial debut of actress Seema Pahwa. The veteran actor says it is an important film that sketches a portrait of reality.
"I believe that an important film is one that depicts the reality of its world and era, and this is such a film," said Shah.
He added, "Seema has seen the instances of the film in her life, and you will get to see the gist of that in this film -- instances where a death in the family takes place and situations where absurd conversations take place when the entire family meets."
" It is a surreal milieu where people don't know if they should laugh or cry. So, capturing that, this is a story of a small city in Uttar Pradesh. This film will surely leave an impact on you," the 70-year-old actor promised.
The film is scheduled to release in theatres on January 1, and Shah said "You should definitely watch this film in theatres because just like life, this film is funny, sad and happy. There are moments of comedy and tragedy in this film."
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