Mumbai: Congress state president Nana Patole, in a media interaction here, lashed out at the BJP government and raised questions on the allotment of the Dharavi slum rehabilitation project to the Adani Group at a reduced cost of Rs 5,000 crore. Patole alleged that the state government cancelled the tender allotment of Dubai's C-Link company for Rs 7,500 crore and instead handed it over to an industrialist at a lower cost. He questioned the tender process followed in the granting the project.
Following Adani's winning bid for Dharavi, Asia's biggest slum cluster, the congress president levelled serious allegations on the issuance of the much-awaited makeover project. He said that once when the Maharashtra government had paid Rs 700 crore for acquiring railway land, it was turned down. Comparing both instances, he enquired as to how Dharavi is controlled by the state government.
Also read: Maha-Karnataka border: Bommai, Fadnavis engage in verbal duel
Commenting on the border dispute between Maharashtra and Karnataka, Patole said that the cowardly attacks carried out on the border from Karnataka's side were condemnable. He opined that if two states indulge in border issues, then the central government should intervene and try to resolve them amicably. But, in his opinion, it is the central party and some industrialists on whose orders, Karnataka CM Bommai is making such controversial statements, escalating the tensions even more.
Patole went on to say that Maharashtra CM Shinde has already declared that he is a puppet of Modi-Shah, so there are no expectations on him, but the people of Maharashtra and the Congress party will not tolerate bullies like Karnataka. "If the time comes, we will respond accordingly," Nana Patole warned the central and the state government in question.