Bharatpur (Rajasthan): Mystery shrouded the death of a youth on Tuesday after he fell from the sixth floor of the RBM District Hospital building in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan on Tuesday. The deceased was identified as Chandrapal who had allegedly gone to see someone admitted to a ward of the hospital.
It was stated that he slipped and fell from the sixth floor of the hospital building while spitting Gutkha from the window of a ward, said an unnamed person, adding, "We know this much about his death. We didn't know what led to his death."
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The police were probing the matter from all angles. Mathura Gate Station In-charge Ramnath Singh said, "We received information that in the wee hours of Tuesday, a youth fell from the sixth floor of the hospital building. He died on the spot. Deceased has been identified as 21 year old Chandrapal, a resident of Ekran in Bharatpur district of the state. His father's name is Padam Singh. We were trying to ascertain the cause of death."
On the other hand, father of the deceased Padam Singh, said, "In the written complaint to the police station I had mentioned that my son left home saying that he was going to his workplace. But instead of going to his workplace, my son went to the hospital and later we heard that he fell from the sixth floor of the hospital building and died. Some foul play in the matter could not be ruled out."
Whereas the founder of the Ashram, Dr BM Bharadwaj where the youth was supposed to report for the duty, said, "Chandrapal was working in the Ashram as a temporary staffer. We were judging his performance and kept him on a trial basis. But fifteen days ago he was removed from the service."