Delhi: One person was injured in a mysterious explosion that took place at Rohini Court in Delhi on Thursday. The reasons behind the explosion are yet to be ascertained, according to police. According to the fire department official, a call was received at 10.40 am regarding the mysterious explosion inside the court after which the Fire Department sent at least seven fire tenders to the spot.
One injured mysterious explosion at Rohini court in Delhi, police begins probe
A mysterious explosion took place at Rohini Court in Delhi on Thursday. According to police, the reasons behind the explosion are yet to be ascertained.
Rohini court
Delhi: One person was injured in a mysterious explosion that took place at Rohini Court in Delhi on Thursday. The reasons behind the explosion are yet to be ascertained, according to police. According to the fire department official, a call was received at 10.40 am regarding the mysterious explosion inside the court after which the Fire Department sent at least seven fire tenders to the spot.
"The blast was of low intensity and the injured person was rushed to a nearby hospital even before the fire tenders reached the spot," the official said, adding there were no casualties in the incident.
Meanwhile, a lawyer said that all proceedings have been stopped at the court following the incident. Sources said that the blast was possibly in a laptop, however, officials are yet to confirm its nature.
READ: Gangster planning Rohini court type shootout nabbed
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Rohini) Pranav Tayal could also be seen at the spot assessing the situation. There was fear and panic among the people, however, sources said the situation is now under control.
The incident has refreshed memories of the dramatic Rohini Courtroom firing incident in which a top Delhi gangster, Jitender Singh Mann aka Gogi was shot dead in a courtroom on September 24 by two assailants dressed in lawyers' garb.
"The blast was of low intensity and the injured person was rushed to a nearby hospital even before the fire tenders reached the spot," the official said, adding there were no casualties in the incident.
Last Updated : Dec 9, 2021, 1:08 PM IST