Mumbai: Customs sleuths have seized 2.81 kg of cocaine worth Rs 28.1 crore from passenger at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport Mumbai. "The drugs were concealed in a duffle bag. Probe shows that passenger was lured to carry drugs by persons whom he met only over social media," ANI reported quoting the the customs official as saying.
The passenger, who carried 2.81 kg of the contraband from Addis Ababa, was caught with the contraband on on Friday, the Customs officials said in a release. The cocaine was "ingeniously concealed in layers in a false cavity specially designed in the duffle bag," it said, adding that the accused was carrying the drug to Delhi.
The accused, hailing from Nainital, had kept clothes over the cavity in the bag to dodge the authorities. Investigations have so far revealed the accused carried the drug after being lured by a woman on a social media platform under the pretext of monetary benefit, first with a job opportunity and later through intimate conversations, the statement said.
Mumbai drug seizures timeline
This is a third seizure of drugs by the Mumbai Airport Customs this year. Earlier, Mumbai Airport customs officials seized 4.47kg heroin estimated to be worth Rs 31.29 crores and 1.596 kg cocaine worth Rs 15.96 crores in two separate cases at the Mumbai international airport during its drive against drug smuggling on January 6.
On January 4, an Indian passenger was nabbed after landing from Nairobi and carrying 4.47 kg of heroin. Besides, the authorities also seized 13.73 kg of gold and foreign currencies worth Rs 1.5 crore this month, it said. In September 2022, the Mumbai Airport Customs seized 1.3 kgs of cocaine valued at Rs 13 crore at the Mumbai International Airport.
A Ghanaian national was arrested on August 28 after he was found transporting cocaine concealed in his stomach. He was taken to the hospital and 87 capsules were recovered from his stomach. In another case, the Mumbai customs busted a drug syndicate smuggling drugs from the United States and operating in Mumbai. Three were held in that case.