Mumbai: The West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee was on Wednesday summoned by the Mumbai Metropolitan Magistrate for insulting the national anthem at a function in Mumbai held on December 1, 2021. The court was hearing the matter after Mumbai BJP secretary Vivekananda Gupta lodged a complaint against her in this regard. Banerjee has further been ordered to appear before the court on March 2, 2022, as informed by the BJP state vice president Madhav Bhandari.
In a program organized by renowned lyricist Javed Akhtar on December 1 at the Yashwantrao Pratishthan in Mumbai, Mamata Banerjee allegedly left the stage while the national anthem was being played. As informed by the sources, at the end of the program, Banerjee recited the first two lines of the national anthem while being seated on the stage with Akhtar, the next two lines while standing and left the stage while the national anthem was still going on.
Gupta had filed a petition before the Metropolitan Magistrate PI Mokashi seeking legal action against Banerjee for violating the law on the national anthem. Accompanying the application was a video recording of the event which was presented as legal evidence in the court. After watching the video, the Metropolitan Magistrate has ordered Banerjee to appear before the court on March 2, 2022.
During the event, former MP Pawan Verma was also present on the dais along with Mamata Banerjee. Loksatta editor Girish Kuber, Min. Majid Memon, Shatrughan Sinha, and Sudhindra Kulkarni are some other dignitaries who were present in the audience during this program.
Also read: Case filed against Mamata Banerjee for disrespecting 'national anthem'