Mumbai: The Bandra unit of the Anti-Narcotics Cell of the Mumbai Police, on Saturday, arrested two drug smugglers with possession of Cannabis worth Rs 60.75 lakhs at the Dharavi Kolida bus stand. The drugs, weighing around 2.05 kgs, have been confiscated by the police, while a probe into the matter is underway. The accused have been identified as Sunil Nayak and Newaji Mia, both of whom were caught separately, carrying different amounts of drugs.
The anti-drug squad of the Mumbai Police has been on a confiscation spree of drug smugglers in the city since the beginning of this year. A part of the same spree, this confiscation was prompted by an input suggesting the possibility of smuggling at the said bus stand. The officials laid a trap based on the information and caught both of them red-handed. Sunil, originally from Rajasthan, was found with 1 kg 10 grams of cannabis while Newaji from Bihar was found with 1 kg 15 grams of cannabis.
Both the smugglers are currently in police custody being interrogated to trace the source and other potential branches of the seized Cannabis, the officials said. They further informed that the initial investigation has revealed the involvement of both the accused infrequent drug supply in the local and suburban areas of Mumbai.
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