Bhopal: The tiger that was reported missing from the Madhav National Park in Madhya Pradesh's Kota was found hiding in it's own enclosure on Sunday morning, as informed by the officials at the Park. As informed by Madhav National Park's Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF) Uttam Sharma, the tiger was found sleeping in a pit in the enclosure itself.
The Forest Department had been looking for the canine for hours before it was finally captured on the high end cameras installed in the park's premises. The team had started looking for the tiger during the day but had stopped the search operation because as it grew dark later. However, the next day they promptly checked if the cameras had captured any significant movement that may give a clue about the tiger's whereabouts. The department heaved a sigh of relief after they saw the tiger on the CCTV resting in its enclosure.
Also read: Madhya Pradesh: Tigress to be released into Madhav National Park goes 'missing'
Meanwhile, the tigress that had gone missing from the Panna National Park before being released into Madhav National Park on Friday has still not been found. The authorities were set to release one tiger and two tigresses into the park on Friday. However, after the tigress went missing, they released one tiger and a tigress into the MNP. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia released the two cats in Madhav National Park, while the authorities at Panna are still on a lookout for the missing one.
According to the forest department officials, the tiger and one of the two tigresses tigers had already been tranquilized, as part of the plan. The 2nd tigress was to be sedated two days before the event. However, on Wednesday March 8, when it was scheduled to be tranquilized, it vanished, an official said.