Indore (MP): Police on Wednesday arrested the prime accused in the case of TV actress Vaishali Thakkar's suicide. Indore Police Commissioner Harinarayan Chari Mishra said that Rahul Navlani was arrested near Indore. He also said that earlier a lookout notice was issued against Nalvani by police apprehending that he may flee abroad adding that reward of Rs5000 was also announced.
Police also set up three teams in of the accused. Vaishali ended her life by suicide and accused Nelvani in her suicide note of physically and mentally torturing her. She further alleged that Nelvani's wife Disha was also supporting him. According to the police Nelvani is married and had two children.
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But due to their closeness to Vaishali, he was not allowing her to get married. They further revealed that Nelvani sent a private photo of himself with Vaishali to her fiancée Mitesh Gor which resulted in her marriage being called off.
Unable to bear this anymore, Vaishali ended her life by suicide on the intervening night of Saturday and Sunday. Based on her suicide note police lodged a case against Nelvani and his wife sections 306 (Abetment of suicide) and 34 (Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the IPC.