Bhopal: A helicopter carrying former Madhya Pradesh chief minister Kamal Nath and two other Congress leaders made a landing on a college ground in Sehore city due to bad weather on Tuesday afternoon. It has been raining in the area since morning. State Congress chief Nath, Agrawal and MLA Jaivardhan Singh were returning to Bhopal from Agar Malwa after attending a rally, said Narendra Saluja, Nath's media coordinator. The helicopter carrying them was forced to land on a college ground in Sehore, around 35 km from Bhopal, due to inclement weather and the three leaders then proceeded by road, he said. (PTI)
MP: Bad weather forces Nath's helicopter to land on college ground in Sehore
A helicopter carrying former Madhya Pradesh chief minister Kamal Nath and two other Congress leaders made a landing on a college ground in Sehore city due to bad weather on Tuesday afternoon.
Bhopal: A helicopter carrying former Madhya Pradesh chief minister Kamal Nath and two other Congress leaders made a landing on a college ground in Sehore city due to bad weather on Tuesday afternoon. It has been raining in the area since morning. State Congress chief Nath, Agrawal and MLA Jaivardhan Singh were returning to Bhopal from Agar Malwa after attending a rally, said Narendra Saluja, Nath's media coordinator. The helicopter carrying them was forced to land on a college ground in Sehore, around 35 km from Bhopal, due to inclement weather and the three leaders then proceeded by road, he said. (PTI)