New Delhi: Months after the eviction notice, Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) MP Chirag Paswan on Wednesday was evicted from 12 Janpath bungalow that had been allotted to his late father and former union minister Ram Vilas Paswan. An eviction order was issued last year by the Directorate of Estates (DoE), with multiple reminders being sent, officials said. Chirag Paswan, when contacted, refused to make any comment on the matter.
Ram Vilas Paswan was a union minister both in UPA and NDA governments and had stayed in the bungalow for long years. The bungalow also served as a hub of LJP's political activities with Ram Vilas Paswan holding regular press conferences. A bust of Ram Vilas Paswan was also placed in front of the main gate at 12 Janpath even as Ram Vilas Paswan was first elected to Lok Sabha in 1977 on a Janata Party ticket from Hajipur in Bihar.
After the demise of Ram Vilas Paswan in October 2020, the bungalow was allotted to Union Railways and IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw in August last year. Chirag Paswan has already been allotted a flat reserved for MPs, officials said. Loaded trucks were seen moving out of the 12 Janpath bungalow.