Shimla: BJP president Jagat Prakash Nadda said on Saturday that Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led central government has done a lot for farmers with a fourfold increase in the agricultural budget in eight years. Addressing a public meeting at the municipal council ground in Paonta Sahib in Himachal Pradesh's Sirmour district, Nadda claimed that no other government worked so much for the farmers as the current dispensation.
The Opposition kept talking about the farmers' agitation, but the Modi government focused on helping farmers prosper, he claimed. "The agricultural budget has seen a fourfold increase during Narendra Modi's tenure as prime minister. It is now Rs 1,33,000 crore from just Rs. 33,000 crore in 2014," he said.
The country has to grow unitedly to become a developed nation by 2047, he added. We have to also keep in mind our traditions and Indian culture, the oldest in the world, he added. Earlier, he paid obeisance at Paonta Sahib Gurudwara. Nadda is scheduled to address a public meeting at Chogan Maidan in Nahan. (PTI)