Amravati (Andhra Pradesh): Four days after Misbah's death, Andhra Pradesh police arrested Brahmarshi High School Principal Ramesh on Saturday in connection with the suicide of a Class X girl student Misbah Fathima, who was studying at the school in Palamaner in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. Misbah’s parents Nazeer Ahmed and Naseema alleged that Brahmarshi school principal Ramesh has served their daughter with TC for no reason just before the academic year was coming to an end in a month’s time.
District SP Senthil Kumar said that administrators of the Brahmarshi School where Misbah was studying harassed her over fees. Police registered a case based on a complaint lodged by Misbah's father. Police held search operations to nab the accused Ramesh. We received information that he was in Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu and took him into custody on Saturday. He was later produced in local court and brought to Palamaner on a transit warrant. The SP clarified that the investigation, in this case, is still continuing.
Also Read: Class X topper ends life after politician 'removes' her from school to make way for daughter
Misbah Fathima in her four-page suicide note exposed her school's inhumane administrators' inhuman attitude. She wrote that being the topper of her class was her curse. Another girl student, who is not per excellence with her in studies, pressured management of the school into removing her so that she could come first in the class. Fathima, in her letter also asked her father's forgiveness for taking the extreme step. She also mentioned that unable to bear the inhumane act of school management she is resorting to the extreme.