Kendrapara(Odisha): The migratory bird census in Bhitarakanika begins on Wednesday in Kendrapara, Odisha as 16 teams are engaged to count birds in 5 ranges of Rajnagar forest. The birdwatch count continues from 5,30 am to 1 pm. Rajnagar forest officials informed, "for the first time some volunteers from Centurian University, including Kendrapara Autonomous College Zoology students took part in the census."
However, the Bhitarkanika climate is favourable for exotic birds, which attracts a large number of migratory birds at this time. Kendrapara's residents have always been concerned about the protection of birds. The census would be carried out in Satabhaya, Raitapatia, Chataka, Praharajpur, Bagagahana and Barunei Muhana in the national park area. Besides, the Forest officials will also visit the islands and Hental forests in Kendrapada and Jagatsinghpur districts.
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The birds of different species have started to arrive in their annual sojourn from Siberia, northern Asia, and some central European countries from November last year. On the other hand, Bhitarakanika national park reopens for tourists from Wednesday as it was closed for tourists for 10 days from January 2 to 11 for the annual crocodile census.