New Delhi: BJP MP Manoj Tiwari has released a video lashing out at Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for nominating former cabinet minister Rajendra Pal Gautam as the star campaigner for the upcoming MCD (Municipal Corporation of Delhi) polls. The controversy erupted after the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) released a list of 30-star campaigners which contained Gautam's name, who was caught in the eye of a storm following comments on Hindu gods.
The BJP took the present opportunity to turn spotlight back on the purported comments made by Rajendra Pal Gautam on Hindu gods and goddesses at an event in Delhi in the past. The saffron party heavily criticised Gautam at that time, leading to his resignation.
In the latest video, MP Tiwari targeted Arvind Kejriwal, labelling him as 'anti-Hindu'. The MP said, "the person who abused Brahma ji, Vishnu ji, Mahesh ji, Lord Ram and Lord Krishna and used offensive words against Hindu gods and goddesses is made the star campaigner of Aam Aadmi Party in MCD elections. This makes it clear that the slurs used by Rajendra Pal Gautam on Hindu gods and goddesses were not his, but those of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's."
Also read: Delhi AAP minister resigns after protests by BJP over his presence at conversion event
Tiwari added that the Delhi CM is honouring the person who insulted Hindu deities. That is not a huge surprise as nothing much can be expected from him. At the same time, BJP leader Kapil Mishra has also strongly opposed this. This comes after the AAP released the manifesto of the party for the MCD elections, followed by the list of star campaigners on Friday evening.