Mathura (Uttar Pradesh): A resident of Mehrauli village under Kosi Kalan police station limits in Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh had alleged that some members of the other community forcible entered his house and asked him to embrace their religion, or else leave the village. However, police after an investigation found that the matter had nothing to do with the forcible conversion. The case was related to land grabbing, police said.
Police said the matter was related to a land dispute and a probe into the case has begun after registering the complaint lodged by the aggrieved party. Victim Tejpal also allegedly mentioned in his complaint to the police that trees on his plot were cut by the rival faction and the said plot was also grabbed by the members belonging to another community.
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Rural SP Trigun Bisen said that Tejpal of Mehrauli village under Kosikalan police station limits had alleged that some members belonging to another community forcibly grabbed his 100 yards plot. Besides, some trees were also cut by them. The victim was also beaten up by the rival faction. "We have initiated legal action in the matter," said the SP