Delhi: The Parliament has been adjourned for the day on Monday amid a ruckus over Rahul Gandhi's comments on Indian democracy in London. The first day of the second leg of the Budget Session witnessed stormy scenes from the start. In the morning when the Lok Sabha proceedings started, there was a ruckus in the House following Parliamentary Affairs Minister Prahlad Joshi's condemnation of Rahul Gandhi for his 'democracy' speech in the UK. The Union Minister also said that Rahul Gandhi should apologize to the nation for discussing internal matters of the country in a foreign nation.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh also condemned Rahul Gandhi for his "democracy under attack" speech in London. He called on the House to condemn Rahul's statement in London. He accused Rahul Gandhi of Insulting India abroad. "Rahul Gandhi, who is a member of this House, insulted India in London. I demand that his statements should be condemned by all members of this House and he should be asked to apologize before the House," the Defence Minister said in the Lok Sabha before it was adjourned till 2 pm. Opposition leaders including the Congress trooped to the well of the House in protest.
Earlier in the day the Rajya Sabha was also adjourned till 2 pm amid protests by Opposition members. Opposition party leaders met Rajya Sabha Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge to firm up their floor strategy for the second leg of the Budget session. The Opposition MPs also held a protest against the Central government in front of the Mahatma Gandhi statue in Parliament as it geared up to corner the government on issues like misuse of probe agencies and the Adani row.