New Delhi: RJD MP Manoj Kumar Jha on Friday moved a suspension of business notice in Rajya Sabha to discuss the issue of 'human rights violation across India'. The RJD MP moved the notice under rule 267.
Writing to the Chairman of Rajya Sabha, Jha urged him to suspend all other businesses in the House for the day to have a comprehensive discussion on human rights violations in the country, adding that today is December 10, World Human Rights Day.
"Today being December 10, World Human Rights Day, I request you to kindly suspend all other business for the day and the house must have a wider discussion on brazen violation of human rights in different parts of India.
"We must also deliberate upon why student activists and other human rights defenders are made victims of Draconian Laws. It is in this context that I place my request before you under Rule-267," said Jha.