Khandwa (MP): A 21-year-old man who had allegedly slit the throat of a young woman for rejecting his marriage proposal two days ago was found dead in Madhya Pradesh's Khandwa district on Wednesday, police said. It was suspected that Bablu (21) took his own life by jumping into a pond in Bangarda village where he worked as kotwar ( gram-panchayat employee).
The 18-year-old woman whom he had attacked was undergoing treatment at the district hospital in Khandwa city, said Mundi police station in-charge Brajbhushan Hirve. On Monday, Bablu entered the woman's house by climbing the boundary wall when she was alone and proposed to her. When she refused, he allegedly slit her throat with a knife and fled.
The woman's father alleged that the accused was a drug addict. Police filed a case of attempt to murder against Bablu. On Wednesday, his body was found in the pond. Police sent the body for autopsy and further probe was on, said officer Hirve. (PTI)