Jodhpur: The police arrested a 32-year-old man for allegedly raping his girlfriend after drugging her in Rajasthan's Jodhpur. The cause of the girl's death is not yet known even as the police suspect a drug overdose might have led to her death. It is learnt that the accused identified as Sameer from Jaipur was a relative of the girl and was in a relationship with her for the last five years.
They wanted to marry, which could not materialise due to family resistance. As per DCP East Amrita Duhan, Sameer called the girl to a hotel in Jodhpur on Saturday where he raped her after giving her drugs. Station Officer Amit Sihag said that when the girl became unconscious, Sameer was afraid and called the girl's sister to the hotel and sent the victim with her to the hospital and fled the spot.
Also read: Young woman gang-raped and killed in Uttar Pradesh's Jaunpur, 4 arrested
The girl's sister informed the family members and shifted the victim to Paota Hospital from where she was referred to MGH where she was declared brought dead. In the meantime, Sameer left Jaipur by train and boarded Visakhapatnam Express at 7.30 pm. However, he was nabbed by the police on the basis of the CCTV footage at the hotel and with the help of GRP and RPF on Saturday at around 12 pm. He was later police brought by the police to Jodhpur.
Police recovered a liquor bottle and confessed that he had given the victim drugs before having intercourse with her. The police have also collected evidence from the room for investigation by the FSL team. While doctors confirmed in the post-mortem report that the girl was raped, but could not clarify whether it could be the cause of death. While there was bleeding from the private parts of the deceased and her clothes were also stained with blood, no other injury was found in the body. Further investigation is going on.