Bengaluru: Bengaluru police on Friday night recovered the body of a man with his head crushed and dismembered genital on the terrace of a house at Kondappa Layout near Yelahanka. The victim has been identified as Chandrasekhar, who shifted to Bengaluru with his wife, eight years ago. The police, on the basis of the primary investigation, suspect the deceased's relative could be behind this heinous act.
South East Division DCP Anup Shetty said, "Lokesh claims to be the brother of the deceased's wife but he was forcing her to have a relationship with him by ditching her husband. The deceased's wife had earlier thrashed Lokesh publicly and has also lodged a complaint against him with the Hindupur police station," he added.
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The police have also taken the deceased's wife into custody suspecting her involvement in the murder. The body has been sent to Yalahanka Government Hospital for post-mortem while the police are investigating the matter.