Khargone: A 45-year-old man died of electrocution while putting up a tricolour on a shop in Madhya Pradesh's Khargone district ahead of the country's independence day, police said on Sunday. The incident took place on Saturday evening in Narmada Road area under Barwaha police station limits, some 80 km from the district headquarters, an official said.
The man, identified as Mohan Patel, died while he was putting up the national flag on an iron rod which came in contact with a power supply line on the roof of a building housing the grocery shop, Barwaha police station in-charge Prakash Vaskale said. He worked as an employee at the grocery shop, owned by local resident Ashok Khandelwal, he said. The police have registered a case and further investigation is underway, the official added. The country's 75th independence day will be celebrated on Monday. (PTI)