Bharatpur (Rajasthan): Following allegations of sexual abuse , the president of the Mallakhamb Federation, Ramesh Indoliya, has resigned from his post. Seven girls and one male athlete of the sports body situated at Bharatpur in Rajasthan had leveled allegations of sexual harassment against Ramesh Indoliya.
The allegations had surfaced in May or June of this year. Now, a probe committee has been constituted to investigate the matter. On the other hand, Ramesh Indoliya while refuting the allegations said, "Someone has conspired against me to tarnish my image."
Besides, taking cognizance of the matter the Sports Authority of India has also halted aid to the Mallakhamb Federation of India till the completion of the probe. The Rajasthan sports training institution has also been derecognized by the Apex sports body. A police complaint is yet to be lodged in the case.