Mumbai: Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh has denied the allegations levelled against him by former city police commissioner Param Bir Singh. Singh, in a letter addressed the state chief minister Uddhav Thackeray, has alleged that Deshmukh had instructed tainted cop Sachin Vaze to 'extort' Rs 100 crore from business establishments in the city.
"Param Bir Singh has made this false allegation to save himself as well as to protect himself from further legal action', tweets Deshmukh. Recently, the top cop was transferred from his position and was appointed as Director-General Home Guard.
Notably, Vaze, an API Mumbai Police Crime Branch was leading the investigating of Mansukh Hiren's death.
He was arrested by the anti-terror probe agency on March 13 after NIA confirmed that the person, seen in a CCTV grab walking near Reliance Industries chairperson Mukesh Ambani's residence on the night of February 25 when an explosive-laden vehicle was found, was Sachin Waze. He was sent to NIA custody till March 25.