Hingoli: The Bharat Jodo Yatra led by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi resumed from Shevala village in Hingoli district Saturday morning on its sixth day in Maharashtra. The foot march will pass through Arati village, Pardi Mod bus stand and Kalamnuri zilla parishad high school ground, before halting for the night at the Shankarrao Satav arts and commerce college ground in Kalamnuri, a party functionary said.
The yatra, which began on September 7 from Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu, entered its 66th day on Saturday and has so far covered 28 districts in six states. It will pass through 12 states before culminating in Jammu and Kashmir after spanning a distance of 3,570 km over the course of about 150 days. The Congress' mass contact initiative will cover a distance of 382 km across five districts of Maharashtra before entering Madhya Pradesh on November 20. (PTI)
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