Mumbai: Five college students died and four others were injured when the car in which a group of students was travelling collided with two other vehicles in Mohadari Ghat near Sinnar in Maharashtra's Nashik district on Friday evening, police said. A group of eight college students, all in the 18-20 age group, was heading for Sinnar from Nashik when their speeding car crossed the lane and hit two other cars coming from the opposite direction, the official said. He said five students died on the spot and three others were injured, adding that the driver of one of the oncoming cars was also injured. Further probe was on, the police said.
Five college students killed in road accident in Nashik
A group of eight college students was heading for Sinnar from Nashik when their speeding car crossed the lane and hit two other cars coming from the opposite direction.
Mumbai: Five college students died and four others were injured when the car in which a group of students was travelling collided with two other vehicles in Mohadari Ghat near Sinnar in Maharashtra's Nashik district on Friday evening, police said. A group of eight college students, all in the 18-20 age group, was heading for Sinnar from Nashik when their speeding car crossed the lane and hit two other cars coming from the opposite direction, the official said. He said five students died on the spot and three others were injured, adding that the driver of one of the oncoming cars was also injured. Further probe was on, the police said.