Mumbai: Ahead of the upcoming Budget session in the Parliament, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has called a meeting of the Members of Parliament of all parties at the Sahyadri guest house on Monday. Headed by the Chief Minister Shinde and Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis at 5:30 pm, the meeting is aimed at discussing the questions and issues to be raised during the Budget session.
Traditionally, the MPs leave for the national capital Delhi -- where the budget is held -- two days ahead of the sessions for the preparation. Some of them have therefore expressed displeasure that this meeting has been called a day before the session. This is the first meeting since the infamous Shiv Sena split in the state that MP from all parties, including Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena, will sit together for a meeting.
Some of the key issues that the MPs are expected to discuss and raise during the parliamentary Budget session include the ongoing Maharashtra-Karnataka border dispute in the Supreme Court, which has put at stake the constitutional rights of the Marathi speaking people in the border areas. The renaming of Bombay High Court as Mumbai High Court and acquiring classical status for the Marathi language re also listed among the issues to be raised.
Also read: All party meeting underway ahead of Budget Session of Parliament
The MPs wiill further discuss the issue of approval of the development of a mega refinery by the Ratnagiri Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (RRPCL) at Barsu on 13,000 acres of land, considering its potential impact on the environment. The state government further wants the Centre to consider the increase in subsidy under the Remission of Duties and Taxes on Export Products for onion export, and to provide interest free loan for capital expenditure.
The signing of MoU between Mumbai Port Trust and MMRDA for Mumbai Metro 11, and approval for the revised cost for Mumbai Metro 3 corridor are also listed as the key issues to be discussed. Presidential assent to the Maharashtra Agricultural Land Leasing Act 2017, fuel supply and transport agreement between MahaGenco and coal supplying companies and the Railways, and 14 boats by the Centre under the Coastal Security Scheme phase 2 are some other issues slated to be discussed today and presented during the budget session.