Thane: Two men have been arrested for allegedly possessing fake currency notes with a face value of Rs 8 crore in Thane city of Maharashtra, crime branch officials said on Saturday. Acting on a tip-off, police found 400 bundles of fake notes of Rs 2,000 denomination in a car in Ghodbunder Road area on Friday and nabbed the duo, Crime Branch senior inspector Vikas Ghodke said.
"Both are Palghar residents. They have told us they got the fake Indian currency note (FICN) consignment from a godown in Palghar. Efforts are on to nab the man who gave it to them. The notes were printed on computers in an industrial unit owned by one of the accused," he said. A case has been registered at Kasarvadavali police station and further probe into the network and those involved is underway, Ghodke added. (PTI)
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