Chhindwara: Madhya Pradesh police are on the look out for a motorcycle-borne couple who were performing stunts on the busy roads of Chhindwara city on Valentine's Day, after the video of the incident was widely shared in the social media. Police said the couple had thrown traffic rules to the winds as their act endangered other road users and as well as them.
The youth along with his girlfriend was seen showcasing his acrobatic skills while riding the bike. The biker was also seen proposing to her girlfriend by striking different postures on the moving bike. Taking cognizance of the viral video, Chhindwara traffic police has registered a case for violating traffic rules.
Police said the stunts were being performed at the Imlikheda underpass of the city. The incident was brought to the police notice after the stunt video went viral. In the video, the young boy was seen wearing a helmet but the girl riding pillion did not have any safety gear including the helmet.
Performing such stunts on busy road stunts is a grave violation of the traffic rules. Besides they were putting their and others life at risk. It's my appeal to people to avoid such stunts on a busy thoroughfare. We are trying to ascertain the identity of the youth based on the video footage. Stringent action will be taken against the culprit under the Motor Vehicles Act, DSP Sudesh Singh said.
Read: Andhra youth lose balance while performing bike stunt; succumbed to injuries 15 days later
The stunts were performed on the National Highway linking Chhindwara city with Nagpur. It is pertinent to note that this highway is always busy. A few months ago, videos of youths performing similar bike stunts surfaced as having acted out in Parasia area of the city. That video too was widely shared in social media platforms. However, the police could not identify the identity of the bikers till now.