Palamu (Jharkhand): Ramgarh police station of the city lodged an FIR on Thursday after the police found the dead body of a woman who hung herself to death at the Ramkanda police station area of Garhwa on Wednesday. The deceased is identified as Kiran Devi, a resident of Ramkanda, Garhwa.
According to Ranka SDPO Sudarshan Astik, "Kiran has married three months ago and she had an affair. On the night of August 16, Kiran's lover Mahesh went to meet her while the villagers caught them. Mahesh managed to escape but the villagers nabbed him the next day when he went back to take his bike which he left at Kiran's house. The villagers tied up the two lovers and thrashed them, Kiran's husband refused to accept her as his wife and she was forced to leave the house. Since August 19, Kiran then stayed at Mahesh's house but his family, due to different castes did not allow Mahesh to marry Kiran. Kiran then gave up her life."
Astik further said that FIR has been registered under sections of murder. The police are probing the case for further details.