Gorakhpur: A BJP candidate for Gram Panchayat and sector in-charge was shot dead by unidentified miscreants in Uttar Pradesh's Gorakhpur on Friday night. The victim, identified as Brajesh Singh (55), was heading towards his farmhouse from his Narayanpur office when he was sprayed with three bullets on his head, chest and stomach at 10.45 pm.
Singh, who was also the former pradhan of Narayanpur village, died on the spot. Sources said that three bike-borne assailants fled from the spot after shooting the BJP leader.
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Police suspect that the shooting could be a fallout of a land dispute as the victim had an altercation with a property dealer a few days ago.
The victim was preparing to contest the upcoming gram panchayat elections from Gulriha. Senior Superintendent of Police Dinesh Kumar and other senior officials reached the spot and launched an investigation to crack the case.
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The initial probe revealed that the CCTV cameras installed in the farmhouse were not functioning. Police have recorded the statement of farmhouse staff for further details.
An eye-witness told police that three bike-borne miscreants were seen running from the spot and the sound of gunshots were heard. Police have cordoned off the area and visited the crime scene and recovered two bullets.