Rishikesh (Uttarakhand): Head of Rishikesh Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Swami Chidanand Muni, while speaking to reporters on Friday, gave a piece of advice to those consuming liquor. "The holy ambience along Ganga river ghats is being defiled by setting up liquor shops near the riverfront. Government can only make rules. But the society has to follow those rules. The ghats areas have been declared as dry. Even then people are coming over and indulging themselves in liquor consumption."
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Speaking further, Swami Chidanand Muni said, "The Government can formulate rules, but cannot stop anybody from taking alcohol. It is the sanskara (culture) that comes from the family. So instead of opening liquor shops near the Ganges in Rishikesh, the establishment of peace or meditation centers will be of great help to the society."
Shedding light on the decline in lifespan due to pollution in big metro cities such as Delhi and Lucknow, Swami Chidanand Muni said, "Setting up of peace or meditation centers near Ganga ghats in Rishikesh will make a lot of difference to public health. People from Delhi and Lucknow looking for clean and healthy air will make a beeline to these centers. They will get spiritual and mental upliftment as well as solace while visiting these centres."